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The best 9 banned movies in the world

The best 9 banned movies in the world

9) The Birth of a Nation (1915)
Silent Movie But black people were banned after being released after being released. The photo director later admitted that he was wrong.

8) The Teen Drum (1979)
 This movie won the Best Film Award for Foreign Film in Oscars. In the movie, an 11-year-old boy is sexually assaulted with a 16-year-old girl. This has been banned in Canada and Philadelphia. It is said that this movie is nothing more than a child pornography. But cine experts say this movie has a bigger number that if the content of the film is properly understood, it should not be banned in any way.

7) Three Dandmonde (2006)
One of the best Hollywood films made on war are prohibited in some countries of Iran and Arabia. Iran has complained about the picture to the United Nations, "Three Hondrade", a conspiracy of the US to insult their country.

6) All right on the western front (1930)
Hitler banned this image. This movie was banned for 12 years in Germany, and Austria. Seeing this picture, Nazi forces were forced to face it. The film is about war against Hitler.

5) Slo / Hendrade Twenty Daisies of Sodom (1975)
Four miscreants kidnapped children and women. Then the persecution of those who see them. This movie of Paolo Pasolini was completely banned in five countries, including Iran, Singapore. There were protests in different countries because of child abuse and rape scenes.

4) The Simpson Movie (2007)
This cartoon movie has been enjoying the whole world. But the movie was banned in Burma for a strange reason. The Burmese government has accused the film of yellowing in this film. Yellow color to Burmese culture or to insult.

3) Back to the Future Trilogy (1985, 1989, 1990)
Funny pictures created on Time Travel Happy pictures. But this picture is forbidden in China. Because the film has been in the future for a long time. Which is against the rule of the Chinese government. At the same time, the picture has been blamed for superstition fuel. Apart from Beijing, there is a good place to stay in Beijing, which is also a good place to stay in Beijing, which is anti-government.

2) The Last Tango in Paris (1973)
Bold pictures. Erotic Drama More than once, the heroine has a close view. The image is banned in Italy and Spain. In a scene in the film, the hero Marlon Brando is using butter during sex. Italy and Spain say it is objectionable to show food stuff like this.

1) Cumball Holocaust (1980)
Banned in 40 countries around the world. Many said that after seeing the picture, they felt ill. The image is made on a faked documentary. Where cannibalism, genocide, rape, sexual assault have been shown to be abusive. Real animal murder has been shot in shooting. The filmmakers were allegedly accused of actors, actresses or filmmakers during the movie. However, it has not been proven. Source: Kolkata Twenty20

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