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Sunrise and sunset at 16 times a day

Sunrise and sunset at 16 times a day!

Who does not want to see the beauty of the sky, sunrise or sunset sitting in a comfortable place? And if it is in a luxurious hotel in space! Surely, how is it possible? But this dream is going to take shape in reality.

US-based technology firm Orion Span is going to create such a luxury hotel in space. There are 16 sunrises and dawn views in 24 hours. The hotel has been named 'Aurora Station'.

Orion Span has released some photos of what the hotel will be like. It will be open for tourists in 2022. The hotel can stay at six together Tourists will have 12 days of alluring offers of space travel.

Frank Banager, founder of Orion Span, said, "We want everybody to get the opportunity to travel in space. Soon after the inauguration, we kept it open to the tourists. It will be so low that no one can imagine.

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