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What is the reward of killing a lizard national animal?

What is the reward of killing a lizard national animal?

Islamic Desk_
Saidur Rahman: The work of reward for killing lizards and such animals, such as kamkalas, lizard etc. Narrated by Fakihah ibn al-Muhira's liberated Saiba, he entered Ayesha (R) and saw a spear in his house. He asked, O leader of the Ummul! What do you do with it? He said, we kill these lizard with this spear. Because Allah's Messenger (Prophet) informed us that when Ibrahim (AS) was thrown into the fire, there was no creature on the earth that did not try to fire, except the lizard. He just blown in the fire. So Allah's Messenger (Prophet) ordered him to be killed. [Sunan ibn Majah, hadith no.33131, Musnad Ahmad, hadith no-2445]

It was narrated from Abu Huraira (R). The Messenger of Allah (Prophet) said, "The person who kills Kakalas [lizard] by the first blow will have so much reward for him. And the person who kills him with two injuries, so much so much Reward for him, that is less than the first time. And if you kill him with the third blow, then he will have so much Reward for it, but less than the second time. [Sahih Muslim, Hadith no - Ebha-5651]

Basically the main reason for the killing of lizard animals is the harmful for these people. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ordered the killing because he was harmed.

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