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Medicine from the plant-This story will tell you about your past

Medicine from the plant-This story will tell you about your past

People have been using medicines since the very beginning of civilization for the symptoms of various infections of the body. These medicines have found people near their hands-in the nature of the surrounding, the fruit of the leaves is bark roots or seeds. Even in the middle of the last century, the treatment of such plants was the main treatment method of human being. That means, the life of modern chemistry based medicine is not more than 100 years. Today the number of medicines in the world is about four lakhs. Although most of the synthetic chemical ingredients are made, the main components of about a quarter of the medicines are immovable.

In our country, especially in the rural areas, public health system 'Ayurveda' (ie life science) and hekmei or 'tibba unani' (ie Greek treatment) are quite common. Through the long experience, people of this country have learned to rely on various herbic herbs. The number of doctors in Bangladesh is about 10 thousand. Half of the number of professional doctors in traditional practice.

In spite of the huge progress of modern science, there is no way in all the countries of the world, despite the thousands of years of experience experienced by the people of different countries. Lokayat knowledge is being used in a new type of treatment in a wide variety of areas for modern research. Primitive inhabitants of the Amazon valley used a plant called Curare on the tip of the poisoned arrow. It is used to calm the muscles in abdominal surgery today. In our country, the use of snakes is very common in our brain. Recently, various types of alkaloids have been collected from this and in modern treatment, rasparine, sarpasil etc. are widely used in the form of drugs such as blood pressure and other diseases.

Ephedrine used in treating asthma is available from a herb plant called ephedra. In China, this shrub is being used for at least five thousand years. The use of various types of painkillers and tranquilized vegetable medicines has been going on since ancient times. About four thousand years ago in Egypt, there is a description of seven kinds of vegetable medicines in the treatise. More than 700 vegetable medicines have been described in today's Indian-India synthesis.

Older people examined the herbal qualities of plants and gave birth to several theories. One of them is the 'Theory of Signs', that is, each plant expresses its beneficial qualities through an external symbol.

For example, a white-colored milk from a plant needs to be understood to contain medicines so that the mother's breast milk emission will increase. If the color is yellow, then it can be found in jaundice or chemotherapy. The fleshy plant can help the body of a lean body to grow meat. The hollow size of the walnut tells that it is beneficial for brain disorders, as the size of the bean is understood to be good for kidney or kidney disease. The opposite theory was similar to this 'Tuline Treatment'; The medical treatment of hypocritic hypocrites (460-370, E. P.) and Galen (130-200 mg) was based on the principle of 'reverse anti-depression'. For example, the use of crepuscular plants can be beneficial for the treatment of harsh patients.

These are theories of pre-scientific times of medical science. Although these seem to be very bizarre to us today, such a theory has not worked in some of the cases. Let's talk about today's most widely used aspirin. The discovery of this drug is from the bark of a species called 'Willow'. This is the 'Salix' genitive plant. This tree is in a hot spot, so the 'theory of the signs' implies that this tree does not take the cold, that is, it can be found in the cold, arthritic pain and diseases of these diseases.

And because the bark keeps it around the tree and keeps it warm, then the bark is the only medicine. In the eighteenth century, the bark of this tree was compared to the bark of the Peruvian Syconna tree-or both were very bitter. It was previously known to the non-essential medicines of quinine malarial fever from the bark of the syndrome. Therefore, the use of kavatha made from the willow bark of the willow started to be used for fever.

In 1829, the French scientist Leroux found a chemical material called 'salicyin' from the bark of Willow. Later, another scientist in Switzerland, Spiraea, was found to have a mulberry-like "Medo-suit" flower, a similar type of material; His name is Methyl salicylate. Then a synthetic chemical formation made in Germany is such an element - its name is salicylic acid. Acetate salicylic acid is derived from its other name aspirin. The name of this widely used medicine is still the name of the original Willor Salix and the name of the flower has remained spirarious Rashtuku.

After the emergence of modern chemistry in the nineteenth century, without taking full plant as a drug, a massive initiative was started to find only useful chemicals. That is, natural plants are considered primarily as sources of medicines.

People can work only if they separate the chemical material from the plant. When the disadvantageous chemical substance is found, the attempt is made to create it through synthetic
chemical synthesis. These artificial chemicals first applied to animals and then started to apply them to humans. Due to the widespread use of artificial medicines, people have forgotten in many cases that one day this medicine was found from a plant. In this way, many thousands of artificial medicines have arisen in the process, and due to the use of excessive use of these medicines, the process of pollution of the human body has started. Due to the adverse reactions of chemical medicines, scientists have now turned to the eye of the herb plant. Even scientists see that in some cases the result of the entire plant is more effective than the original chemical substance. For example, the example of artichoke can be taken. The theory of the signs shows that this bitter plant can increase liver function; And in reality it happens. This power first seems to be a verb of a particular element. But then it was seen that many other components helped in this work.

However, there is no such benefit in the individual components. That is, the collective actions of several elements are actually more effective than the sum of their individual actions.
As a result of recent discoveries, the World Health Organization has started a new experiment in the quality of the herbal plants in the world. There is extensive research on the chemical quality of many native herbal plants. As a result, new types of pills for birth control, D. D. Instead of T., new plywood elements of 'Pirethrin' are found to be strong but non-side effects of vegetable insecticides. This kind of research is going on in Bangladesh in international cooperation.
Due to such research, Chinese scientists recently discovered a powerful new drug called 'Ching Hao Suo'. The name of the drug named Wormwood, which has been used for the last several years, has been used for malaria.

One of the major problems of the study of herbal plants is that there are at least five million species of plants in the world, its all-too-detailed test-scrutiny is difficult. Studies on the number of
species that have the knowledge of herbal quality are also long-standing. However, relatively young or inexperienced researchers can contribute quite a bit. In the last year, young scientists of the Kalkattha Grameen Science Club of Rawakan Upazila of Chittagong conducted such a survey. In the 100 species of plants, the herbs of 22 plants have been verified and listed as partial truths tested by 25 plants: the rest are reported as non-observable. Listed. The list of tested truths refers to rickets (colds, coughs, pain and pain), basak leaves (flax, cough, lighthouse), achondas (arthritis, pain, pain, nip) (dental insects, itching, worms), hyrotki has been done. For this survey, the third national science week has won this club award in the central competition. There is a need for more comprehensive and scientific basis in this survey and test conducted across the country.
In our country, indigenous Ayurvedic medicine is three to four thousand years old and Unani or Hakeemi is about two thousand years old. As a result of the emergence of modern allopathic medicine in the nineteenth century, there has been no research on these treatment methods.

Modern scientific experiments have shown that, in some cases, the benefits are found in some of the methods used in these ancient treatments, and many do not get much benefits. Yet these clinics are relatively cheap and available as compared to modern medical treatment. Most people in the rural areas of this country are seeking treatment for traditional methods. Many of these doctors do not have much knowledge in medicine; It is therefore more curectomy than the treatment.
In the first half of this century, Parshuram narrated one day Kaviraj in his 'medical-crisis' story. Responding to the question, "Do not listen to me," he said, "It is not possible to go to the junta." The person who painted the portrait of

Parashuram was still unknown to the reader. In order to change this situation, there is a need for extensive training in local medical procedures - as well as in the fields of physiology and modern scientific methods, there is a need of extensive training for local doctors to prepare and use medicines. Also, it is necessary to take initiative to increase production of herbal plants.
There is a huge number of herbal soap buds in the country.
There are extensive international demands such as snakes, elephants, centipede, aloe vera, and soapspeed medicines. To accommodate this huge natural resource for the health of the people of this country, there is a need for co-ordination of traditional and modern medicine. It is not only the modernization of the Sanatana that the health system can be expanded only for the people of this country. Maybe we can give the world a new richness in medical science.

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